
What is Spaztard?


n. An individual who possesses the qualities of both a spaz and a tard; one who overreacts in a moronic manner. Credit belongs to Canadian K. Fellows for coining the term in 2000.

Calm down, you f*cking spaztard!


Someone who is a cross between spaz and retarded. Often very lovable and somewhat drunk, or in a permanant state of stoned.


'Lol, you spaztard.'

See connor, spaz, retarded, drunk, crazy


A delightful combination of spaztic and retard. The eccentric word is perfert to describe and define many a folk!

Annie: Andy! You are such a spaztard!!! Dude!!!

See spaz, spastic, retard, dumb ass


A peron who emcompasses qualities of a mentally challenged person.

Spastic + Retard = Spaztard

Usually has the intelligence of a brick covered in shit

Also a polite version of fucktard

Lydia you fucking spaztard

See stupid, retard, spastic, fucktard, dickhead


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