
What is Spaztastic?


an exclamation deriving from fantasticfor a state of extreme happiness to the extent of convulsing into spasms.

A: I fuckin raped that chem test.

B: Spaztastic!

See mad hatter


Extremely spazmatic; unstable at what one is doing

Holy cow that boy is spaztastic!


the condition of being so spectacular it induces spazing

You're marrying a playboy model dad? That's spaztastic!

See Dustin


To be spazzy But at the same time your just a fantasticperson. (Can some times flinch at certain things and its funny )

"Oh , melanie is so Spaztastic. "

See fantastic, spazzy, spaz, flinch, funny


being happy enough to spaz out randomly at any moment

that was a spaztastic day

See spaz, great, fantastic, awkward, stupid


an exclamation deriving from fantasticfor a state of such extreme happiness that one convulses as in a spasm.

A:I fuckin raped that chem test. B:Spaztastic!

See mad hatter


A derogatory term for something that is under par or spazzy. The antonym of fantastic.

"Did you see him throw? How spaztastic was that?" (points at Robin Reliant)"Oh...what a spaztastic car!"

See spactacular, spazz, spaz, spazzy, twattastic, spazztastic


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