Spazz Hamster

What is Spazz Hamster?


A kid, normally a teenager, who spazzes out over any little obsession they have including, but not limited to, animecharacters, guys, musicians, or smurfs. Some traits are as follows: high pitched voices, hyperactivity and adorableness.

Morgan sat leafing through the manga in absolute silence. Without warning, she began bouncing up and down in her seat, jabbing her finger down at a depiction of her favorite anime character as she squeaked, "oh my gosh! He is so cute! I want to marry him! I can't believe he's not real!!"

"Gosh Morgan, you spazz hamster, calm down." Annie replied, giving her a sidelong glance.

See spazz, spazztastic, spaztic, adorable, cute, obsession


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