Speakers Corner

What is Speakers Corner?


A place offten mentioned in every day use, speakers corner is where London's pseudo intelectuals congregate. At first I thought it would be a civil lecture, similar to the one's which are offered academicaly. In reality, it turned out to be a dozen or so diferent homeless-looking men talking about mainly religon and politics. There's so much noise you can't entirely understand what their trying to say; but what you do hear is an obviously biased ranting from someone with nothing better to do on their sunday morning. While all these men ramble about their diferent delusions, they share one common trait; which being, deep longings for societal status (albeit imagined). One wouldn't say not go there if you're in London, but beware what you'll hear will be ill-informed, and likely of religous nature. Why it's famous is uknown, but we do know that only a fool would attend for pleasure. Regardlessly, it's a frequent allusion in english speaking countries, as is Westminster abbey's poets corner.

The unshaved man in his late fifties, spent the entire morning preaching at speakers corner, to apathetic tourists, while unbeknownst to him, no one gave a shit. Ten years later he'd die of lung cancer with never any awareness of his delusions of grandeur.

See london, england, speakers corner


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