Speaking In Tongues

What is Speaking In Tongues?


term for a phenomenon which today is better known as "automatic" or "unconscious" talking. The person who "speaks in tongues" is unaware of what he says, he could talk in a foreign or made-up language, or fall back into speech patterns of his childhood.

Is mostly induced

by either psychoactive drugs (e.g. opium, lsd, psilocybin, mescaline) or a deep hypnotic trance.

Spectator: "They are speaking in tongues!"


Speaking in an unknown language. That is to say it is unkown to the speaker but is not unknown to God. Speaking in tongues began on the day of Pentacost by Jesus' disciples. The purpose of speaking in tongues (in my view) is to issue prayer that encompasses issues of life unknown, but needing to be dealt with. Speaking in tongues may seem foolish to the average person (even the average Christian), but if you desire wisdom, it is the thing to do.

The Holy Spirit's indwelling is made aware by the evidence of speaking in tongues


Religious practice among Pentecostalists and charismatics involving speaking in what sound like other languages or "spiritual language"

I arrived in church late, and the whole congregation was speaking in tongues. I couldn't understand a damned thing, but it was impressive

See cornholio


using your tongue to relay a spirtual message.

Billy Bob was speaking in tongues when he showed me what a Texas Taint Tickler was.

See tongue, taint, texas, religion


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