
What is Spears?


To be very, very, bald.

Oh my god, do you see that guy?? He is soooooo spears!!

See britney, spears, bald, shiny, derrick, dustin


verb. to gain rightful ownership of a person's cigarette lighter by concealing it on your person for a minimum of 15 minutes. An attempt to spears is deemed unsuccessful if the present owner takes measure to determine its whereabouts in the form of an inquiry directed specifically towards the spearser.

He was looking away and I saw an opportunity to spears his lighter.

Where's my lighter, you spearsing bastard?


To fail at life, generally suck, or just be a hoe.

Britney Spears: Shave head. Rehab. Lose custody of kids to none other than Kevin Federline. Suck at VMA's. Attempt Suicide. Rehab. Repeat.

Jamie Spears: Be a lot better off then her sister. Then, completely ruin a Nickelodeon series by getting pregnant with a guy that was almost old enough for it to be considered rape.

So, in general, if someone accuses you of being Spears, you FAIL.

Guy: you suck, you're such a Spears.

Other Guy: I just died a little bit on the inside, thats the worst insult ever.

See fail, failure, phail, suck, spears, brittany spears, pregnant, rehab, drugs


The act of drinking your own height in tallboys, duct-taping them together as you go, essentially creating a spear. The object of making spears is to eventually fight each other with them in a drunken riot.

Person 1: Hey Man, we're making spears tonight!

Person 2: Badass, mine's gona be the longest

Person 3: Oh ya? well I'm gona be the drunkest!

See beers, sticks, drunk, gonger


A famliy from louisiana, all inbred idiots, who dont diserve what they have. they ruin there lives by doing dumb shit like its some kind of promotional stunt and eventually drive themselves to insanity.

britney spears, jamie lynn spears, enough said.

See dumb, whore, slut, bitch, nobody, has been, crazy


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