
What is Spec?


A weapons special attack. Most likely on an mmorpg or other role playing game.

ruben28379: did you kill that guy?

smuck-u: yea I two speced him.

See spec, mmorpg, role, playing


Specification. (abbreviation, usually technical)

software spec

technical spec

product spec

high-level spec

detailed spec


The process of retrieving specifications, such as computer hardware information.

I will not be able to spec a computer that will last you for the next five years.

See hardware, computer, get


Best viewing position

As in best Seat in the house

Liverpool UK slang

"The best spec to see the match is on top of the wall"


that kid that you want to take a shit on

`i just gave that spec a mississippi hurricane"

See glitch, lag, cunt, fucker, tool, lunch box, mississippi hurricane


Midwest regional slang for spectacular.

That ride was spec.

That girl was spec.


pronounced "spesh", awesome, chill, cool

dude, that was so spec


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