
What is Speci-al?


1. Someone who is so desperate for friendship that they would resort to divuldging all facets of their personal life to gain approval from said group of "friends."

2. A shitty tattoo artist.

3. One who is so confused of his own religion that he celebrates Jewish and Christian holidays but takes offense to movies such as "Schindler's List" and "The Passion" (usually done for attention).

4. A frugal, spendthrift who buys things to make other people look bad and then brags about it b/c like people care. Also known as a one-upper.

Man, where'd that guy get his tatt done at? It looks like he went to some Speci-Al artist.

You guys wanna see me giving my wife an Alabama Crab Dangler?

Check out these Oakley flip flops, they were only 5000 dollars at the Oakley store. I don't care though, my mom gives me money.

See maszed, muir, cozzi, shut the fuck up, one-upper


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