Special Brew

What is Special Brew?


delightful,delectable,sweet,stimulating,refreshing..... half a litre of 9% pisshead juice. Honestly 2 a these golden bastads any time day or night-f'kin lovely.

(approach counter)"Two a these bastads please"

"2 pound 78"

(purchase complete, exit)"sound, see you later"

(outside crackin It open guzzling away)

"Jesus, I can feel my brain reducing"

See El Cholo


special brew aka "Gut Rot" is known to be a beverage that is just the left overs from the Carlsberg factory in a can! The can is of a golden colour and is 9% and about 4 of these will get you drunk. Very popular in Liverpool and is a must have for every scouser that is on a bender. It is rumored that is you drink 20 cans of the stuff (if your still alive) that you can successfully "see round corners"

A pint of your finest Gut Rot please. Don't drink special brew it will make your eyes fall out. Go round the shop and get me a can of the golden liquid wonderment.

See special brew, gut rot


Someone who is special to you in any way. Also someone you love and care for, on any level.

Cristy is my special brew.

So Caprice, is that cutie your special brew?

See special


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