
What is Spectacles?


The Greek god of expensive sunglasses and all that is obvious.

Guy with orange hat.

See Newman


These are people in their teens to 20s who dress in outlandish attire to create a "spectacle". Spec is an abbreviation of this term. There is not a particular look to a spec, but it's more about dressing in whatever they want. Outfits are commonly self-made using craft materials. Specs will often use metaphors to contrast like and unlike things. ie/Corruption and children. Aside from their attire, specs are interested in artand often create their own art. Art is what they live for. Art shows are what often bring the specs together.

non-spec: Why did you just do that?

spectacles response: Because it's art.

See spectacle, spectacles, art, spec, specs


A group of adolescents who share an extraordinary bond and as a result - shows public display of affection towards one another.

Originated from the french word 'spectacle'.

No one can do it like the Spectacles Specks! They're all so sexy and always help me withstand all my hardships.

See bestfriend, fuckbuddy, sexy, homo, twelve


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