
What is Spectercrat?


A term for a politician that changes his political party after showing years of devout support for the party he/she was first elected in.

A Spectercrat usually changes parties to gain respect, popularity, notoriety, or to help be a rubber stamp for an administration that needs votes.

Origin: Named in the honor of Arlen Specter, a former republicanPennsylvania senator since 1980, who switched party affiliations in April, 2009. His record of NOT voting in line with his party earns him this honor.

Notable Spectercrats of the past:

-Strom Thurmond

-Joe Lieberman

-Jim Jeffords

-Robert Smith

-Harry Byrd Jr

Geoff: Did you hear about the senator from PA switching political parties?

Phil: No, why?

Geoff: He's a flip flop! Switching parties just to garner votes and to get policy passed that benefits his state.

Phil: As long as that Spectercrat does what is morally right, that's ok with me!

See arlen, specter, spector, strom, lieberman, flip flop, democrat, republican, bush, obama, rubber stamp, party, switch hitter


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