
What is Spectrum?



1. A continuous distribution of colored light produced when a beam of white light is dispersed into its components, e.g. by a prism.

2. A range of radiation frequencies that have a particular property.

3. A visual record of the wavelengths of the radiation or particles emitted (see Emit) by a substance, used as a means of analyzing its physical properties such as energy and mass.

4. A range of values, especially one with opposite values at its limits.

5. The range of organisms that an antibiotic can kill.

1. A buautiful spectrum.

2. There's several spectrums in the air.

3. On the spectrum you can see the wavelengths of the radiation or particles emitted by the strange object.

4. A spectrum of opinions between the policital parties.

5. This antibiotic has a large spectrum.

See spectrum, politics, political, range, value


A spectrum is the product of white light being shown through a prism. For those who appreciate all colorsand are incapable of picking a single favorite; they may say 'spectrum'. Anyone with a basic education can put it together.

What is your favorite color?



A place in Irvine, California. Short for The Irvine Spectrum. A great place for scenster or straight edger who dont have anything better to do. Closes early yet most kids tend to stick around and chat smoke etc.

Person A- "Man I'm bored"

Person B-"Hey I know, let's go watch a movie at the spectrum"

Person A- "Dude we did that yesterday"

Person B-"Have any better ideas?"

See chilling, orange county


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