Speech And Debate

What is Speech And Debate?


Officially established under the National Forensic League, and the National Catholic Forensic League

generally consists of the following categories:

OO- original oratory- ten minute original memorized speech on any topic you want as long as it has contemporary significance - the best category in my opinion

DI/HI- dramatic/ humorous interpretation- ten minute memorized monolage usually about rape and death unless its humorous then its obviously about something else - unless you find those kind of things....funny?

OI- oral interpretation- the reading of poetry and prose- very artsy very interesting if you are into that sort of thing

DEC- declamation- memorized non-original speech pretty straightforward - sorry fellas -only for freshmen and sophmores

EXTEMP- extemporaneous speaking- you have to make an "extemp box" with newspapers and magazines, you get 30 minutes to make an seven minute speech off the top of your head after drawing a random card on current events. - its super fun.

DUO- duo - two people in a memorized ten minute exchange of acting , except you cant face or touch....ha each other , yes those are rules.

LD- Lincoln Douglas Debate- one on one debate - ur given a resolution and you roll with it make sure you prepare a negative and affirmative case beforehand.

POLICY- policy debate - team debate. Exactly that.

CONGRESS- i seriously have no idea what this is but its really only at national or college tournaments

Speech and Debate is a club- not a way of life as some would suggest

but it takes alot of time if you really care about it

don't get carried away

its not cool to wear "forensics" lettermen jackets. and it never will be.

This club is a great way to meet people, sound intelligent, improve your studying and memorization skills and have alot of fun. ( yes im really serious)


boy: "want to see a movie this weekend?"

girl: "I can't i have a forensics tournament"

boy: "Forensics? like CSI"

girl: " no, its speech and debate"

boy: "oh...ol"

girl: "yes i am"

boy: "how about next weekend?"

girl; "ok"

See forensics, nfl, geek, nerd, haters


A club that colleges love , but most people hate. Speech and Debaters are classified as geeks, but really they just know what they want- a career. And usually the people that look down upon speech and debate are the retards that are going to be pumping gas in four years anyway - so it doesn't matter

i wish i was cool enough to be in speech and debate


1. Club in which members can actually talk in front of a group of people with out sweating like a fat kid running the mile in July.

2. The art of public Speaking.

3. The sexiest group of people ever.

Boy: "I just joined my High school speech and debate team."

Girl: "Really? It turns me on when people can talk in front of people"

See speech, forensics, debate, club


That god awful drama filled club that steals my soul by sucking it from my ears and takes more time than a bad girlfriend on a constant period.

(No example will suffice.) You must experiance it to get it.


A club that has something to do with debating boring topics... very few people are in this club for many resions - 1. its not cool at all no matter how hard you try to make it sound cool, 2. its boring as hell, 3. its not a real sport 4. people who are in it need help.

guy: that girl hillary is in speech and debate...

girl: what kind of club is that? sounds pretty boring to me!

guy: yeah i know!


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