Speed Bump And Cars

What is Speed Bump And Cars?


A game usually played in bed when one of the two (the car) will begin rolling over the partner who will in most cases keep their body straightened (the speed bump) while getting ran over. Sometimes the bump can grow arms and catch the car and cuddle and/or love passionately.

Meilina: Hey Dale guess what?!!?!?

Dale: What is it?


Dale: Dear God, you weigh as much as a car!

See love, noob, stink, pie, fish, cow


a asian girl rolling uncontrollably over a white boy (who has an awaken dragon, i.e. penis) while giggling japanese school girl status

asian girl: i'm bored, wanna play a game?

white boy: chyeah! how about a nice round of speed bump and cars?

See asian, game, speed bump and cars, white boy, stupid


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