
What is Spews?


Quite possibly the single most inefficient spam filter to date. It succeeds in stopping very little actual spam, while blacklisting entire netblocks - and in the case of Brazil, entire countries. Their solution to finding a single spammer in a network is to list that entire network as spam-friendly, as well as any other ISPs who happen to be located in a 500 mile radius.

Getting removed from the blacklist is nearly impossible. There are obviously people in charge, as the list is always being updated, but you can never really contact said people if you're a legitimate business whose emails are being bounced by this glorious filter.

Why can't them crazy terrorists do something constructive, like taking out SPEWS?


SPEWS is a list of areas on the Internet which several system administrators, ISP postmasters, and other service providers have assembled and use to deny email and in some cases, all network traffic from.

It is also a load of shit in some cases, putting several sites on its list that don't deserve to be on it. Including but not limited to deviantart and somethingawful

Hotmail uses SPEWS, and by doing so, dis-allows users on the sites which are blacklisted to recieve any mail from those sites.

Spews sure doesn't take into account that some of the sites on its list are undeserving of being placed upon it.


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