Spice Rack

What is Spice Rack?


when someone has food caught in their teeth

ma'am, i could not help but notice that you have a bunch of junk all lodged up in your spice rack.


A girl's rack topped off with some allspice. There you go, now you have a spice rack.

I took a bottle of allspice and sprinkled some of it on that girl's rack. Now she has a spice rack. :)

See rack, breasts, boobs, spice


A rack on one of the Spice Girls.

Mmmm, would you look at that spice rack on that girl there? Mmmm, Ginger Spice.

See knockers, boobs, jubblies, boobies, breasts, spice, girls, rack


What going to the toilet becomes after a curry-filled night out.

See also Delhi belly, Karachi Crouchand Montezuma's revenge.

After that vindaloo last night, I was on the spice rack all morning.

See diarrhea, runs, shits


a shapely chick - with well placed, adequately sized, and properly proportioned attributes.

Holy smack!...check the spice rack...stacked in the back...I need a snack.

See babe, hottie, mama, fox, bombshell


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