
What is Spiel?


well rehearsed patter of salesperson or advocate of particular cause (1896), to gamble (1882), to play music (1870) also Spieler meaning a gambling club

don't give me that spiel


spiel is the german word for game or the imperativ of play

to play a spiel

let's spiel man!


spiel (spēl, shpēl) Informal


:A lengthy or extravagant speech or argument usually intended to persuade.

intr. & tr.v. spieled, spiel·ing, spiels

:To talk or say (something) at length or extravagantly.


a prepared speech made to persuade someone to buy or do something {German Spiel play}

If I wanted mindless political spiel, I would watch one of the national conventions on TV.

See schpeel, shpeel, speech, harangue


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