
What is Spik?


Actually "Spik" is derived from the Mexicans themselves. The ones who can't speak very good english would say "no spika da english". So Americans began calling them Spiks.

I no spika da english.

See spik, spick, spika, mexican, wetback


A Mexican. Possibly a combination of Spanish and icky. Dirty Harry Callahan made an interesting comment in one of the GREAT Dirty Harry movies. See example.

New cop of Mexican decent: "Why don't you like me Callahan."

A Detective: - overhearing question - "Harry hates everyone...chinks, niggers, wops...everyone."

New cop of Mexican decent: "What about Mexicans?"

Callahan: - In a dry matter-of-fact voice - "ESPECIALLY spiks."

See mexican, slang, dirt, spick, spicey, tequila, yucatan, mexico, dirty harry, callahan, callaghan, harry, eastwood, clint


A word used by racist people who are insecure and depressed bout who they are cause they got not cultural identity so they hate the Mexicans because of their rich history, traditions and strong drive to succeed.

"damn I hate the fukin spiks, they got all the white cheeks"

See white, nazi, suicidal, bush


coined by Mexicans in the following context, when pronouncing the word "speak" in english and with a broken accent, as in "I spik english"

a spik is worth less than a speck of dirt,

Mexicans are dirty, so dirty in fact that they are worth less than a speck of dirt, leaving them to be worth a SPIK of dirt


dumb mexican who wears too much makeup and talks with a gay accent.

Look Tomek, there goes a dumb spik!


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