
What is Spineless?


A wimp. A person without a spine. Someone who has others do the dirty work for them. Someone who backs down from confrontation or sneaks around and has others do the job for them.

1. Look at that kid who had his friend beat his enemy up.

2. Vitale hired someone else to abuse his ex. What a spineless sack of shit.

See wimp, coward, weakling, sissy, spineless


When someone is overcontrolled by their girlfriend and does anything she says to do without regard for himself.

She says "jump", he says, "how high and far" showing the lack of a spine - spineless

When Parker W. goes to his g/f's hometown at 12:30 in the morning and tells his buddies that he's going to the gas station to get something to drink!

See spine, spineless, parker, everything, Dr. Johns


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