What is Spineless Pheasant Fetus?


The nasty Will Charles Willett of your community.

A nasty thong on the ass of the universe...

Most likely claim Westside and call you "nigga" in each sentence.

Also a favored word of said pheasant: "trick"

Also known as an "anorexic snowballer"

Often seen with children exponentially younger than him.

See also:Child Molester...& Cradle Robber...& Chubby Chaser

Keep small children away.

Have You talked to that spineless pheasant fetus today? He called me a nigga trick bitch...I saw him throwing up westside but we all know honkey rather be throwing up his food.

See will, charles, willett, honkey, pheasant, fetus, racit, cradle, robber, rapist, molester, child, westside, trick, nigga, anorexic, snowball, snowballer


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