
What is Spinoloroll?


Derivative of "barrel roll," most famously implemented in Star Fox 64 when Peppy exclaims "Do a barrel roll!," in what can only be described as a fairly recockulous fashion.

It is to add a "spinolo" like tinge to an action, thusly rendering it completely amoral and prude.

Also can be used as a noun, simply declaring someone a complete spinoloroll.

Jeez, Will! Your spinolorollocity is ruining this conversation! Stop using all that self-deprecating humor, you spinoloroll! Enough with the fucking spinolorolling!

-it is good to note that this term is often used with little or no prompting from third parties with little or no lives.

See wienershnitzel, shoe horn, negress, self-deprecating humor, recockulous


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