Spinster Jess

What is Spinster Jess?


1)An old, unmarried lady. She usually has 47 cats and loves scaring away little kids that come up to her door on Halloween.

2)A fourteen year old girl that believes she will never get married and wants to become a spinster.

little girl: oh my goodness, did you hear about that spinster jess that lives down the street!?

little boy: yessir! i went to her house on Halloween and she let her crazy cats come out and attack me.


Jessie: so i think i will end up being a spinster when im older. yaay!! :]

Lydia: OH MY GOODNESS. You will not become a spinster jess!! i wont let that happen.

See jess, spinster, cats, kids, lonely, dogs, muffins, jessie


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