
What is Spint?


to stand up... to F somebody over for someone or something else... to cancel plans without giving the other person notice.... In the business world we call this a no call no show

We were suppozed to go out to the moviez but thiz b*t&h spint me... Everytyme we have planz this b*t$h spendz me around in circles...

See spint, spends, spin, spins, spend


1. An idiot, asshole, dick head, shit head. Anyone who does anything to annoy you or make you angry.

2. Slang word for Sperm.

1. Dude why is Johnny being such a fucking spint? He's been giving me crap all day.

2. Last night when my girlfriend and i were having sex, i pulled out early and spinted all over her face. Man that was great.

See cum, asshole, dick, shitkicker, penis-breath, SCSC


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