What is Spiral Architect?
Thinking Man's Metal
Spiral Architect is the extremely talented metal band based in Oslo, Norway. Their first album, "A Sceptic's Universe," is 40-some-odd minutes of mediocrity being thrashed on the musical and lyrical levels; people who like to dance to shitty two-note "basslines" will never comprehend the awesomeness incarnate that is Spiral Architect. If you're into stupid bullshit songs about "love" and "peace," then Spiral Architect's lyrics will make no sense to you, since they cannot be comprehended by the thoroughly mediocre. The album was recorded not far from the grand city of
W A R N I N G !
Spiral Architect goes beyond progressive, exploring the realms of complexity and intensity that pushes the nature of technical metal further.
"A Sceptic's Universe" is not for the fainthearted!
It may cause serious damage to your mental health.