What is Spirit Fingers?
Similar to "jazz hands," a cheer/dance movement of the fingers with palms out and fingers moving quickly back and forth. If done wrong it looks like a nervous wave of the hand. If done correctly, it draws attention to the dancer.
Show me your spirit fingers!
A way of getting the effects of a joint through to the fingertips and the feet. Best thing is to lie down, listen to some instrumental (maybe even spiritual) music and let your elbows touch the ground, while your fingers, pointing straight up, slowly move - whilst you concentrate all energy to them. And then of course close your eyes.
"I feel... Fuzzy... Let's lie down."
"We can put on some M83 and do the spirit fingers..."
When a guy Fingers a girl, and she is unable to feel it due to his lack of knowledge and skill.
"we nickname him Spirit Fingers, he was just horrible!"
The act of a gay man doing the WEASEL (see "Encino Man") to another gay man's ballsack.
"Oh my gosh this guy was giving me the best spirit fingers treatment I've ever had."