
What is Spoilers?


The ruining of a surprise in a book, movie, tv program, etc.

So, Sasukepwns Itachionly to discover that Itachiwas a good guy and that he massacred his clan on orders from the higher ups. Turns out the entire Uchiha Clanwas planning to take over the village. Ironic isn't it? Now Sasuke wants to crush the village.

Oh, and Snape is going to kill DumbledoreBut he actually is good. And Harrywill live.

Oops, I forgot to put a Spoiler Warning didn't I? Well, hope the Spoilers didn't ruin your day.

See naruto, sasuke, sasgay, uchiha, ninja, harry potter, harry, snape, dumbledore


Another acronym for the police, used in the same way as 'gavvers', 'feds' etc

Oh look out, here come the spoilers. Let's whistle the Laurel & Hardy tune to annoy them

See coppers, feds, gavvers, pigs, filth, lexy


Spoilers are experts from the real boom or story, that you may not know of yet. This is to tell you that if you have not read the book or story but plan to, but don't want to ruin it, to not read that fanfiction. The parts of the novel you may not know yet are written in the text. See fanfictionfor more information on those.

"Hey Sarah, this now HP fic has spoilers in it for the new book. Should I read it?"

"Not if you want the boom to be a surprise, Judy".

See fanfiction, stories, spoiler


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