
What is Sponsor?


Noun: A person who helps another person by voluntarily providing money and services in hopes that one day some love will be reciprocated for the services. Usually women have sponsors.

"I asked my sponsor for two hundred dollars to pay my light bill.

See suga daddy, friends with benefits


an individual who pays for your food, your clothing, your vacations, your extxra curricular activties and alcohol. Also provides transportation.

John doesn't goes to school or need a job because he has a sponsor!

See sugar mama, sugar daddy, playa, player, whipped boyfriend, Spackle


a) A car (usually on highway) constantly going over the speed limit, which you can follow so, in case traffic police with radar shows up, it gets caught and fined before you, allowing you to drive fast without getting a speeding ticket.

b) Rich man who gets women only because his fat wallet not his personal characteristics (looks, personality, etc.)

a) "See that BMW, who just passed us? Speed up and follow him, he will be our sponsor."

b) "OMG, look! Cathy is together with another fat, ugly bastard. Her previous sponsor must have run out of money!"

See sponsorship, sponsored, sponser


In Poland and possibly other Central European countries, the English word "sponsor" is used to describe a usually older, wealthy man who gives a young female friend money to help her through college, etc. He usually gets sex in return. She usually searches for him through an agency or web site. Both the man and the woman may have other steady partners. Neither the man nor the woman will admit the practice is prostitution, as the couple have a steady friendship and may go on clandestine holidays together, etc. The practice is far less normal in post-feminist Western Europe or North America, where it would be considered prostitution.

Magda from Warsaw posted an advert on the internet looking for a sponsor. She had the looks and the charm, and needed the money to finish her law degree. Her ideal man was about the same age as her father, from somewhere like England or America and good looking. That would make sleeping with him a little easier.

See trick, sugar daddy, rich uncle, lover, boyfriend


to ask for (usually money) under the false pretence it is for good use - Pikey speak originating South London, UK

Sponsor me 50p?


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