
What is Spoogle?



to cum ejaculatemaliciously into one's eye

So I found out my girlfriend cheated on me with that punkass nerd last weekend, so when she was sucking me off today, I told her to stop right before i came, and finished off myself, aimed directly at her eye, and spoogled her sorry ass. That shit burns.

See zanthia


The act of maliciously blowing your load in another's eye.

Yeah, that girl sucks at sucking dick.

-Oh Yeah?

Yeah, she kept sharkbiting.

-Oww....that sucks!

It's okay, I got my revenge.

-Oh yeah? How's that?



Right in the eye.


To inadvertantly call up pornographic thumbnails when using Google Images. Esp. at work or in otherwise inappropriate circumstances.

Verb: Conflation of "Google" (ubiquitous internet search engine) and "spooge" (UK slang for semen).

As in "I was searching for the planning report for Stevenage town centre's pedestrianisation scheme, and spoogled a load of pictures of dogging (UK slang for outdoor sex) in and around Stevenage."

See spooge, semen, google, search, pornography


A fluid-like discharge from the vagina following a coital activity.

The spoogle is running down to my cankle, by cranky!


Like a doona that you can wear, some people can wear them out of the house.. Not recommended. Its got funny ads on TV.

It's so cold! I'll just pop my spoogle on.

See spoogle, doona, blanket


Spoo-gul: While smoking a joint communally, one finds themselves the last participant with no one who will accept what is left of the joint(see also roach)

'ere!!! <cough> hey man, you want this?

Naw man.

I'm Good.

Me too.

You got spoogled.

See roach, joint, stuck, roached


Often referred to as spooge.

He shot his load of spoogle all over the ceiling.


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