
What is Spoonie?


A scots word meaning 'foolish person' or 'drug abusing child molester'

aye ken in Macduff there's big spoonie n little spoonie wi' there little girls in their car


one who is said to use the spoon position with others.

'others' being men, women, small woodland animals or inanimate objects such as blow-up dolls, apple pie or stationary automobiles.

"wow, look at the spoonie with that mercedes"

"wow, look at the spoonie wedged against that apple pie"


Party animal, found in manchester. Loves travelling especially to thailand and spain. Loves the number 8. Enjoys elephant riding in thailand. Now lives in Madrid with Spanish Bird. Loves flakin girls across the arse. Likes girls who like Yorkies. Fond of the Jager...and buckets of.

Spoonie it up, Spoonie Spoonie Spoonie (to the melody of ruby ruby ruby), Spoony is mad for it, Mix that bucket with Spoonie, Samsung it up Spoonie, Jager it up Spoonie,

See spoony, thailand, madrid, jager


A person who works for J D wetherspoon

Graham is a spoonie

See Graham


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