Sportman's Slap

What is Sportman's Slap?


A man-to-man slap on the butt to signal congratulations or comradeship.

Origin: It is traditional in team sports, esp. all types of football, to slap the butt of one who scores a goal or point. Now often also common in athletics and golf.

Increasing becoming popular in business after a contract has been signed, or as way of congratulating a salesman or lawyer who has pulled off a good deal or got a good decision on a case.

1. When Johnny won the swimming race Coach gave him such a firm sportman's slap his wet speedos slipped right off his ass.

2. "Mary, I won the Brinkman case! The boss gave me a real nice sportman's slap right on the seat of my Armani suit."

See businessman, masculinity, superjock


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