Sports Drag

What is Sports Drag?


The ensemble an over zealous fan(s) of a sports team chooses to wear (costume, wigs, body paint, etc...) in public,or at a sporting event to show support for their favored team.(Much to the dismay of the other unsuspecting friends or guests attending the event with this person!!)

I really wanted to hang out with Biff after the game, but he was dressed in all that creepy sports drag! I was totally embarrassed!

See fratboy, spaz, annoying, dork, wannabe


Over zealous fan(s) of a sports team who dress in costume(wigs, body paint, etc...) and appear in public,or at the sports event to show support for their favored team.

I really wanted to hang out with Biff after the game, but he was dressed in all that sports drag! I was totally embarrassed!

See frat house, cheerleaders


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