
What is Spots!?


A call out among stoners meaning "Immediately head for the stove for some spots" or short for "It's your spot"

I yelled "SPOTS!" and the stoners came running

See spots, hot knives, blades, weed


(v.) A type of calling or request in social groups for punishment or public show of discipline upon oneself. This term is especially used in fraternities by pledges to admit guilt openly so they can avoid dismissal and only be punished by being publicly disciplined in the way that is dictated by the aforementioned fraternities Pledge Master.

The origin of this term comes from the 15th century, when one would exclaim "SPOTS! SPOTS!" after they discovered they had smallpox, which is characterized by raised fluid filled blisters. Although the exclamation of spots by these individuals was done to elicit help, they almost always resulted in the public punishment by burning to death. This was due to smallpox being seen as a punishment from God in the time period.

Afraid of being expelled as a pledge, Timothy ran down the stairs of his frat house yelling "SPOTS! SPOTS!" after he spilled the mop bucket for the third time in a week.

See guilt, admit, smallpox, fraternity


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