
What is Spoy?


A governing body that takes your balls keeps them in a jar restricting visitation to a minimum. SPOY victims may also start to resemble Sanjiya from American Idol since all testosterone has been removed.

Justin can't come out tonight...he's SPOy property now.

See owned, violation, pussy wipped, the hoff


A substance that brings excruciating joy to an individual after having been released from the power of one's pwnage over others.

As a result from the excitement of his massive victory in the Halo tournament, Robert yelled out in happiness as his spoy exploded over the competition.

See spoy, halo, boston university, pizza hut, taco bell


Possibly but not necessarily a member of the Jazz Jackrabbit 2 community, a Spoy is a person who, both on MSN Messenger and IRC, idles and pretends to be away a lot.

Bob's being a Spoy again. He won't answer my messages.


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