
What is Spreewell?


wheel that keeps "spinning" when stopped.

Damn that fool had some spreewells, dawg.

See jubs


To physically assault another person, generally one who holds more authority than the assaulter, by throttling the neck, a la Latrell Spreewell to Coach P.J. Carlisemo, ca. 1995.

I Spreewelled his ass when he told me I wasn't going to get the payraise he promised me...


choke, strangle, restrict respriration (like Latrell Spreewell)

Then he attempted to spreewell his coach but was thwarted by an unusual kevlar necktie.

See kraut


Takin' it to the house in everything you do.

I layed the spreewell on that fool


The sound a killer penguin makes when attacking a clown.

As the peguin pounced the unknowing clown, the penguin cried out SPREEWELL


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