
What is Sprigget?


A Small fairy-like creature that resides in the fat folds of Rosie O'Donnell's stomach and body. Usually very pail and very moist causing its wings to not work.

Ryan: Dude did you see that chick?

Andrew: Ya dude she probably has warring tribes of spriggets with all those fat folds!

Dylan: Dude she got so fat this past year...

Ryan: Ya man she went from 30 to at least a thousand spriggets. So gross.

Brett: Dude What do you think the sprigget count is on those lovehandles?

Chris: Oh jeez man....has to be at least 20,000. They have to be lovin it

See fat, folds, rosie, o'donnell, spriget, fairy, small, lovehandles


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