
What is Spring?


The time period, in the Northern Hemisphere, between Winter (Dec. 21 to Mar. 20) and Summer (June 21 to Sept. 20), usually starting on the Vernal Equinox, March 21st and lasting until June 20th.

In Canada, we don't really have spring, summer and autumn, just winter and road repair season!

See winter, summer, fall, autumn, spring


german word for 'jump'

i will spring into style this year

See jump, hop, Katharina


If you're in college, the time when all the girls pull out their 'assets' from hiding and show them in short skirts, halters, and flipflops. Very nice weather too.

Winter makes you forget what you've been missing, but spring reminds you.

See hot, chicks, college, sexy


The season in which ugly girls still appear ugly, but hot girls appear 10 times hotter.

Emil: Damn, I never knew Josie was so hot!

Da'shaun: It's because it's Spring!

See spring, winter, summer, fall, autumn


Pay. Generally indicates that the person is doing it as a favour or out of generosity.

I'll spring for a takeaway if you come over and tickle my toes

See pay, fund, money, loot, cash, coin


Short for the Springfield 1903 rifle, occasionally used as a sniper rifle in many WW2 based shooters.

Some prick shot me with a spring.


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