What is Spun Unit?
A completely derogitory term. Accurately describes someone who quite ovbiously is thick, or behaves in a manner in which you would never befriend. Unlike unit which could be taken as a term of endearment to a buddy. You would be a spun unit if you thought being called a spun unit brought you closer to the person saying it.
Take a look at that f*cking c*cksucker taking up both lanes, AND he doesn't give a sh*t. He's a f*ckin spun unit if i've ever seen one. F*ck off loser ( as you give the finger as you overtake him)
A completely derogitory term. Accurately describes someone who quite ovbiously is thick, or behaves in a manner in which you would never be friend. Unlike
Take a look at that f*cking c*cksucker taking up both lanes, AND he doesn't give a sh*t. He's a f*ckin spun unit if i've ever seen one. F*ck off loser ( as you give the finger as you overtake him)