Spunk Muffin

What is Spunk Muffin?


A muffin filled with spunk which can also be used as a term of endearment.

I love you my little spunk muffin

See spunk, muffin, affectionate, love, sexy


1: When a woman asks you to cumon a muffin for her to then eat the muffin, the cum (spunk) acting as a sort of icing to increase the taste.

2: You can call your girlfriend Spunk Muffin as a pet name if you do this with her.

1: I came on the double chocolate chip muffin instead of her face and she then proceeded to eat the spunk muffin whole.

2: Hey there my little spunk muffin, how was your day?

See spunk, muffin, cum, girlfriend, chocolate


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