
What is Squaddie?


A member of the armed forces who thinks he's the "Gods gift to women".

Unfortunately found everywhere.

Also Squaddy and Squady

"our mark is a squaddie"


A member of the Army.

They hang about in squads for safety (even whilst out of work), hence squaddie. Often found wearing an unofficial style of uniform while in town drinking consisting of:

- A pair of faded blue jeans

- Desert boots (or Rockports, CAT's etc)

- A fleece style top

Fucking squaddies are always kicking off in town giving the rest of us service personnel a bad name. Scum


A man who constantly tries to hook up with u and won't leave u alone. It doesn't how many times u turn him down, he will not get the picture. He will text u and facebook u with pleas for some sort of sexual intercourse. he employs what is known as a "paedo grip" in order to catch his pray, male or female, and skeet all over them!!!

"man that boy keeps following me, he's such a squaddie!!"

See stalker, pervert, skeet, intercourse


a member off the british infantry hobbies inc drinking fighting dancing like a twat the love off slagging off civis refer to women as slags or spunk trumpets they call each other skiprat or lizardlips they enjoy doing a "jobbie" in random places every second word they say is followed by fuck or cunt there whole life is "army barmy" even when they are back on civi street everyday items are looked at like it could be a usefull weapon of some kind they use terms like kebab compass , disco shoes often seen reacting attack lanes on the they way home for a night out

i was well fucking pissed didnt know where i was fucking going found a cunting chippie and got myself a kebab compass got home in no time a example of how a squaddie will find his way back to camp

See skiprat, jobbie


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