
What is Squadoosh?


n. (sqaw`doosh): Italian-American slang used to describe something that is missing, absent, or forgotten; usually refers to a concrete or abstract object or idea

Tony Big Knuckles was supposed to stop by the house with some canoles and lobster tails. But instead, all he brought was squadoosh, so I put him in the closet.

See nothing, jackshit, zero, zip, nada, none


Expression coined by Norman Chad, host of ESPN's World Series of Poker which serves as a substitution for the word NOTHING, or a lack of something.

" after the river (poker) :

Lon McEachern: Gold is trying to determine what the young, abrasive Molina is holding.

Norman Chad: Call Gold! He's got squadoosh!

See nothing, ziltch, something, anything, nada


Nothing or the act of doing nothing.

At school today Sarah did Squadoosh in gym class.

See nothing, squadoosh, squat, zero


an expression from the game of soccer that signifies extreme excitement or astonishment following an incredible move or skill

SQUADOOSH! Did you see that! You just got served!

See burn, schooled, ooh, goal, insane, crazy


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