Square Head

What is Square Head?


Contrary to other beliefs, Square Head is not a reference to the WWII helmets that the Germans used. It is used in reference to the common shape in which many Germans heads are shaped. Dominating brow bones and a square jaw are what create this square look.

That square head ripped me off.

See kraut, square, head, german, germany


A literally translated derogatory term used by French-Canadians to describe English-Canadians. But always spoken/written in it's French form. Can be used in a good natured way between friends. Kind of the opposite of "Frog".

Most English-Canadians are unaware of it's usage.

Origin unknown.

Quebec hockey players are better than square heads.

See frog, derogatory, translation


Having too square of a head to function normally in society.

Square matreces- having multiple squares in one room and discretly laughing about it.

John Gregory Dunne IV has a fucking square head!!!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHA what a square! all laughing at him.

See square, square head


German person, reference to WWII nazi soldiers helmets.

'have you met Jurgen?'

'who? oh, the square head....'


peaople that make their hair look like they have squares on their head but it is really their skin

damn jenny gots a square head

See square, head, loo loo


Racist term reffering to the Latino Population who's very fond of soccer and reggaeton music cumbia, and bachata(Not limited to non squareheads) Those countries include Honduras, Ecuador, Mexico, Colombia, Guatemala, and Peru or anyone in or near South America with the exception of Hispanicareas Puerto Rico, Cuba, Dominican Republic(even though they act like squareheads) and Costa Rica.

Fucking squareheads and their soccer.

Watch where your going you squareheaded dick on a stick.

Why must square heads always blast that damn reggaeton music?

You hate salsa and your spanish? You must be a squarehead!!!

See square head, latinos, square-head, reggaeton, soccer


A person with the birth defect known as square headedness. It affects them for the rest of their lives, for example they cant put on normal t-shirts and they must tesolate to spawn mre of their evil ofspring.

It results in lack of mates and widespread piss taking.

They will suffer for the rest of their sorry excuses for lives, they have no social lives and so have nothing better to do other than revise and get good marks.

1: hey look that kids got a sqaure head!

2: oh yeah what a freak......(chanting) square head, square head

1: oi ur a freak go and sand ur edges

mark(the square):honestly im not that square headed!

1 and 2:well u r u utter freak with no mates go and tesolate with another square!!

See mark, square, head, freak


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