
What is Squatdog?


an object of ridicule and scorn. To be owned after making a boast. Espousing something so outrageously asinine that an entire audience/group/forum finds you to be a moron. Origin comes from the online alias of a person whom boasted that he could take anyone in a particular online community in a fight.

describes a person who enjoys spetz frequently.

'He was saying how he could take anyone and he has been everyone's squatdog since"


Large Melvin!

not only squats but mounts other male members of his "Krew".

Retarded homosexuals bow their heads in shame at him and his antics.

leave my ass alone u homo Squatdog.

naz looks straight compared 2 u!

See PubicMan


An Elite haxX0r

Squatdog Owned j00 f00!


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