
What is Squeoo?


Truly, all things that could possibly be considered relaxment.

A Squeoo would be considered to be a wise person, someone who at times may make idiotic decisions but quickly realizes this and makes up for such things 10 fold.

Squeoo's are smart, funny, attractive, and pretty amazing.

Though this originated with "Squeoo" a gaming character from many online games, the term squeoo is accepted in usage if any said person follows all the traits of the original squeoo.

~Stephen Scray was the original Squeoo~

What is a Squeoo?

It is actually Squeooiondorkacornapus-birdamabobber...

an old inside joke from the year 2003, the term "Squeoo" shall hold true to its meaning for as long as the term is in usage.

Unlike such words as "F***" "S***" or other profane words, this word is never to be used for any other meaning, it loses value that way.

See owned, own3d, whoot, blah


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