
What is Squirrelly?


bizarre characteristics that cannot be explained

"dude, that dude is just... just fucking squirrelly."


1.having the attributes of a squirrel. Acrobatic, sneaky,probably up to no good in a good way. Zen tweaking ninja.

(not to be confused with "weaselly" or the "tweaking" of pigeons)

2. probably deliberate, wack spazzy strangeness

You see that kid Robot, the one with his bare feet hangin' outta the airduct, trying to sneak into the principal's office, the one singing Christmas carols? Dude's friggin' squirrelly!

See roger


Unable to make up one's mind. Darting back and forth for no apparant reason. Doing things for no logical reason.

"My girlfriend said she loved me, but then she ran off to live with another guy."

"Dude, she is just squirrelly."


messed up...fucked up....just not normel

try fucken with me, ill leave you squirrelly

See messed up, fucked up, odd


1.) Unable to concentrate, focus, or otherwise stay on task

2.) Hyper or energized

3.) Goofy or playful

1.) The choir got nothing accomplished because it was a Friday and everyone was extremely squirrelly.

2.) She ran around the room several times, behaving in a very squirrelly manner.

3.) The newlyweds were very squirrelly on their honeymoon

See antsy, add, crazy, silly, hyper


adj:when a person(s) is said to be extremely high on marijuana and resembles a squirrel.

verb: to go get extremely high.

adj: Terri, you look squirrelly.

verb: Brian, Lets go get squirrelly.

See high, chink eyed, ripped, stoned


foolishly silly and ridiculously funny with characteristics of a squirrel, comedian; characterized by an Oliver

Oliver, you are such a squirrely fellow.


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