
What is Squoozed?


Pronounced ˈsqüzd

Function: noun, adj.,verb and transitive

verb (a quad threat word)

Etymology: alteration of obsolete English quease, from Middle English queysen, from Old English cwȳsan; akin to Icelandic kveisa stomach cramps

Date: circa 1601

A combination of past, present and future commonly (or uncommonly) used in liu of the word squeezed.

1.To pressure or intimidate (someone) to comply with a demand, as to make an extortion payment

2.To obtain room for by pressure; cram:

3.to push (oneself or a thing) into a confined space

Example#1 "He felt all squoozed after he got beat the fuck down"

Example#2: "Is it hot in here or are we just all sqoozed the fuck up?"

Example#3: She squoozed her books into the little ass briefcase.

Example#4: "Looks like that bootyis all squoozed in them squeezy jeans"

See squeezy, smash, crunked, cramper, crampstipation, squeezed


To sqeeze oneself with ambition through places/gaps evidently too small for you.

Mazz sqoozed herself half way through the gap in the fence.


Past tense of the word squeezed.

Last night, I squoozed some orange juice.

See squeeze, squeezed, squish, pressure, grip


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