
What is Srb?


Skinny Rich Bitch: A teenage girl that spends all of her parents money at the mall. She is very thin and thinks she is fat. She has many SRB friends. Most of them are blonde. They lack intelligence and when talking to them they say ("like") 1000 times. They don't know how to drive, and have pink cell phones.

Those are a bunch of SRBS walking in the mall.


"I am like so cool because I like have these cool shoes that like are so cute. Like i paid so much for them, and I like am the only one is my school that like has them.....Like oooooh my god, that skirt is so cute...."

See skinny, rich girl, girl, teenager, spoiled


Self-righteous bitch. Someone who is very confident in their own righteousness. And is not very accepting of others opinions.

Damn, that girl is definately a SRB!

See bitch, self-righteous


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