St. Elmo's Fire

What is St. Elmo's Fire?


Movie from eighties about a buncha recent Georgetown grads that all frequent a bar called St. Elmo's. Starred Demi Moore, Rob Lowe, etc. In the movie, it explains that St. Elmo's Fire is a natural, atmospheric phenomenom that sailors mistook for lighthouse beacons, thus giving them reassurance that land was close. Something like a security blanket that gives comfort and reassurance in troubling times.

If u've seen the aurora borealis, then u should also check out St. Elmo's Fire.

Ever seen that movie, "St. Elmo's Fire?"

My mistress was my St. Elmo's Fire during my messy divorce.


an electro-luminescent corona discharge between nipples during sex..

with bosom's in each ear when things heat-up st. elmo's fire starts. Its shorts out your brain for about 10 seconds!!!

See hot, sex, knee pads, flying, la jolla, mexican mudslide


When you're doing a girl in the butt from behind, you reach over to the nearest fire source and use it to light her hair. Then when she is running around the room screaming, spray her with a fire extinguisher.

Why are you covered in all that white crap? And where's your heair?

My boyfriend did A St. Elmo's Fire to me last night.

Oh, thats awesome.


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