
What is Stack?


one stack = 1 G


$1,000/ A Thousand Dollars

Yo, I only gotta stack to play wit for the weekend.


a myth created by ecstasy dealers to get you to pay more for pills, by staing they're double or triple "stacked" they imply that there is more MDMA (ecstasy) in the pill. in reality, it means nothing.

guy: "hey, i got triple stacked blue dolphins"

me: "how much are they?"

guy:" thirty apiece, but they're triple stacks, man..."

See ecstasy, ecstacy, stax, mdma, tabs, pills


An even large amount of bills in the form of cash stacked up on top of eachother, usually held together with a rubberband or a paper band straight from the bank. Its not a stack if its folded.

Most people go by 100's

100 hundred dollar bills $10,000

100 fifty dollar bills $5,000

100 twenty dollar bills $2,000

100 one dollar bills $100

Or you could go by 50's or 10's

50 hundred dollar bills $5,000

50 fifty dollar bills $2,500

50 twenty dollar bills $1,000

50 one dollar bills $50

10 hundred dollar bills $1,000

10 fifty dollar bills $500

10 twenty dollar bills $200

10 one dollar bills $10

All of these can be excepted as a Stack. It just depends on how wealthy you are.

"Aye, Im rollin in the checks, I got stacks on the deck."


"We be stackin this paper up"

"Last night i hit the strip club with a stack and made it fucking rain."

See cash money, dough, chedder, cheese, stacks


Aussieslang for crashing and/or falling off something accidentally or falling down. Usually when operating a vehicle.

Jack: What happened to your rear end?

Andy: Mate, I was riding down to Maccas in only meSpeedos when I slipped off the back of me seat and menads got wedged between the back wheel and frame of mepushy! I then stacked it into a rose bush and I couldn't move - menads were stuck!

Jack: You'd be spewin!

Andy: Fucken oath!

Jack: So how'dyou get free?

Andy: Well, the Ambogot there about 20 minutes later and after cutting away what was left of meSpeedos, which was fuck all, they tried for about an hour to get mesack out.

Jack: Were you spewin?!

Andy: Shit yeah! Big time! They were gonna use a crowbar to...

Jack: Fuck me! A crowbar!

Andy: Fuck yeah, I know! When the granny- whose rose bush I fubared- chuckedthe ambossome Vas and said "That'll do the trick, fellas". That got me tackle out in bugger alltime. No dramas.

Jack: Sweet. How's urnads now?

Andy: Sweet as, mate.

Jack: Sweet.

Andy: Sweet.

Jack: No wukkas.

See crash, stack it, stacked, fall, goochi


collaborating sports term

"what stack he did"

See stack, strap, waffels, syrup, bowling, hutch


Drugs: a slang use for 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine ( Ecstasy). May refer to the drug itself, under the influence, or the dosage of the pill.

Noun: Let's be flyin' down US-220 on these stacks I picked up!

Adjective: These pills are triple stacked.

Verb: We been fuckin' t'ill dawn all stacked up like mothafuckas!

See ecstacy, mdma, rolling, rollin, sober, stacks


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