Stallion Cornell

What is Stallion Cornell?


Stallion Cornell has become an internet legend. Not content with being one person on the internet, he's been, at best count, at least 40 different "individuals" on the web. His main stomping ground was SciFi up until they actually began moderating the Battlestar Galactica bboards. Cornell eventually created his own message forum, the Moist Board so that he could continue his trolling. Originally created as a humor board, the Moist Board soon became an attack vehicle. Cornell and his fellow troll, RGrant, used Moist to harass anyone who got in their way or even remotely bothered them.

What caused Stallion Cornell to become a troll legend? As the story has it, when Stallion Cornell discovered the poster known as Languatron, he felt compelled to create the identity of "Joe Smig". Smig was an employee of Universal Studios and sent to the web to confound Languatron. Smig ended up creating an entire cottage industry of Smig trolls on the SciFi Galactica board: June Smig, JoBob Smig and Smiglett. When faced with inspiring a small legion of trolls, Cornell showed his true character by creating another false identity and announcing the "death" of Joe Smig, leaving the rest of SciFi to deal with his bogus "family".

But this didn't stop Stallion Cornell from creating more troll handles. He went on to create many, many more. And he's still at it today. Kwen Winslow, Viper Fred and Viper Hank are some of his most recent troll creations. Having been banned from places like Cinescape, where Cornell attempted to not only fight with Languatron but also tried to con the membership into believing there was a Dutch TV show called "Gref Dafflebaum", Cornell remains a thorn in the side of legitimate message board owners. Cornell is additionally known for posing as a lawyer for Paramount Pictures and for trying to put up a non-existant lunch box for sale on e-Bay.

Stallion Cornell remains a legend in the history of trolldom.

Stallion Cornell has become an internet legend. Not content with being one person on the internet, he's been, at best count, at least 40 different "individuals" on the web.

See troll, moist, legend, stallion, cornell


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