Stanky Librarian

What is Stanky Librarian?


(noun) When someone opens a book, reads it briefly, shits in the book, and puts it back as if nuffin happened. A real dick maneuver.

"Yo that bitch ass nigga just pulled a stanky librarian with that novel."

"Aw shit, baby balls, I feel sorry for the next sucka that opens that jawnpiece."

See poo, poop, book, read, librarian


When someone picks up a book, reads it briefly, takes a shit in the book, and puts it back as if nothing happend. A real asshole maneuver.

"Yo that bitch ass nigga pulled a Stanky Librarian."

"Aw shit, baby balls, I feel sorry for the next sucka that opens that jawn piece.

See poo, book, librarian, nasty, funny


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